We are the first generation mobile phone users. We are the first generation Internet surfers and we are the first generation to be virtually connected. Sounds great rather awesome! All these techno-wonders have put our life in another league. We are talking, we are chatting, we are clicking pictures like never before..in short communicating a lot but are we really listening or saying what we actually want to say?
This is the age of being connected and sharing information. New avenues have opened through social media. So being rather new to the emoticon lingo I find it hard to find the appropriate one when in midst of a (virtual) conversation. There is one for everything…for smile, for laughing out aloud, for shedding tears, for shedding copious tears and there are exclusive ones too which always put me in awe…hair cut emoticon, thermometer emoticon or the mesmerising mermaid one. Somehow, however, they always land me in a soup perplexing me to send the appropriate one to the right person. Phew!
Do these emoticons actually express the true emotions? All of us are being politically correct and there are very few who are actually pouring their heart out. So we are very rarely communicating or may be less. A real communication always happens with a true mix of body language thrown in.
Not communicating well can be a big dampener in any relationship whether professional or personal. Understanding what other person is saying needs rapt attention and alert ears as well. Scanning through numerous posts in a jiffy and reading through emoticons can be very misleading.
Ironically we are losing out on real communication. The conversations over a hot cup of steaming tea with home made lip- smacking fritters are lost somewhere. We have all come a long way. Life is very pretentious and so is our way of communicating. You might be having a very fancy cell phone in your hand and making a statement but then making an actual statement has become a far-off dream!
Credit: opinionsthatmattertoyou.blogspot.com